As living creatures often violations occur, the association of life form to be unstable, not stable, there is no balance of law, therefore, must be restored to the way the action-action against the violator of law by officials who were given the task to publish, in the case by this investigator or investigators adjuvant.
So that investigators or investigators adjuvant can act quickly and recover the balance of the law to be sure there must be reports or complaints from the public, especially from people who become victims of law.
If viewed from the General Terms of Article 1 of Law 20 grains No.8 Year 1981:
notice that the report is presented as a right or obligation under the law to the officials of the authorities or have been or are suspected to be the occurrence of criminal events.
Specifically the report is material information that is vital to dirangkaikan information with others. A series of information is evaluated for further instructions, instructions to that used in an investigation. This report can be made by each person and can be submitted any time to the investigator.
The notice is accompanied by a request to the parties concerned officials who have the authority to act according to law a person who had criminal complaint merugikannya or in other words contain reports about the occurrence of a crime or criminal act and the need to report to the investigator that the perpetrator is taken act strictly in accordance with applicable law.
Differences of the report:
1. Complaints include not only reports but also to demand that the criminal prosecution.
2. Reports can be submitted any time while the only time in a particular course.
3. Complaints can be drawn back, while the report could not be drawn back.
4. Reports can be made by each person, while complaints can only be done by certain people who called in the law and only certain crimes.
Name: Zainuddin H.Abdulkadir Home: Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia About Me: Nothing ever happened in the past; it happened in the now, nothing will ever happen in the future;it will happen in the now. See my complete profile
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